Cannabis 101

New to cannabis? Our Cannabis 101 section at Siam Green Cannabis Co. is the perfect starting point for beginners. This comprehensive guide covers the fundamentals of cannabis, including its history, plant biology, and the various forms it can take. Learn about cannabinoids, terpenes, and their effects on the body. Understand different consumption methods and how to choose the right product for your needs. With our easy-to-understand articles and tutorials, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to navigate the world of cannabis.

Effect of Cannabis on Driving Performance and Safety

A lot of you wouldn’t want to do anything while being drunk after drinking liquor except sleep and driving while you’re drunk isn’t safe at all. Now imagine driving while you’re stoned. Understandably, weed makes you happy but it can shift your time perception and decision-making because of its psychoactive effects, which can affect individuals’

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How long does the weed effect last?

Weed is what people use as a nickname for a psychoactive plant, Cannabis sativa. It has the ability to make you high, especially from one of the hundreds of cannabinoids that the plant produces known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive cannabinoid delivering intoxicating effects. Prepare yourself to delve into the world of

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Top 10 Myrcene Cannabis Strains: Where to Buy Weed in Bangkok

Key Takeaways Introduction Myrcene is one of the most common terpenes you can find in nature among plants like hops, mangoes, and lemongrass. It has a fresh earthy and herbal aroma and was once used as a traditional medicine for stomach pain and infections.  No wonder that cannabis stores in Thailand are booming after the

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Top 10 Caryophyllene Cannabis Strains: Where to Buy Weed in Bangkok

Key Takeaways Introduction Caryophyllene is a terpene found in various plants but most commonly exists in black pepper, cloves, and cinnamon. They stand out for their spicy and peppery aroma. All terpenes present different medicinal properties, caryophyllene is no different. This compound is directly bound to the CB2 receptors and supports the immune system, relieves

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Is Cannabis Helpful for Nerve Pain? How THC helps?

There are over 40 countries all over the world where medicinal cannabis is legal including Thailand. Taking cannabis as a medication is becoming more popular, specifically for pain relief.  Our article aims to provide the strains that can be beneficial for the patient who suffers from nerve pain which can be challenging to find a

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What is Terpinolene Terpene? Benefits, Effects, Cannabis Strains

Welcome to the sixth article of our cannabis terpenes series. In today’s post, I am going to introduce you to terpinolene terpene and break down what it is, its scent and flavor, its therapeutic benefits along the cannabis strains with high terpinolene. Keep reading if you’re ready to see what else we can learn about

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What Is Linalool Terpene? Benefits, Strains, Effects

First and foremost, let me explain to you shortly what terpenes are. Terpenes such as myrcene, limonene, and pinene are organic compounds found in plants with the responsibility to give plants their unique flavor and aroma including its benefits.  Today’s cannabis terpene edition that we’re going to discuss is the one with a remarkable scent

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What Is Humulene Terpene? Benefits, Effects, Strains

Before we dive into the in-depth information about humulene terpene, let’s familiarize ourselves with the word ‘terpene’ first which we have already discussed about it here on our website. A brief story of what terpene stands for is that it’s a natural aromatic compound found in most plants all over the world, including cannabis, of

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What is Pinene Terpene: Uses, Benefits, Effects, Cannabis Strains

Key Takeaways Introduction Hello to the experienced users and the newbies! Here’s another episode of our cannabis terpenes. Please bear with me, I know it’s a lot of information. That’s why I’m here to help you. This article will expose you to another type of terpene, commonly found within cannabis plants, pinene terpene.  Want to

What is Pinene Terpene: Uses, Benefits, Effects, Cannabis Strains Read More »

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